Lightweight, highly durable transportation materials

Safely transporting and shipping sensitive or heavy products can be a logistical challenge. The heavier and more complex the packaging is, the more expensive it is to ship. In addition, a heavy transportation unit, combined with a heavy product, can add significant load when organising, securing, and providing deliveries.

Thanks to their light weight, stability, and high load-bearing capacity, combined with impact-resistance, polypropylene sandwich panels are an excellent choice for logistics in particular.

Transportation costs can be reduced significantly due to the low weight of products manufactured from the panels, compared to using other materials like wood or steel. They can also be used multiple times, further reducing costs.

Applications for Sandwich panels

  • Exhibition containers
  • Animal crates
  • Helicopter tool boxes
  • Trailer components
  • Vehicle body panels
  • Specialised vehicles
  • Specialised pallets
  • For transporting aeroplane components
  • And for all kinds of transportation crates
  • Bicycle logistics boxes
  • Industrial construction

    Sandwich panels are often used in industry because they are impact-resistant, UV stable, and easy to clean, among other benefits. Since large, mouldable surfaces can be produced in a single piece, they can be adapted to specific applications. This is one reason they are used in painting systems.

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  • Thermal boxes
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    We manufacture logistics systems for the storage and transport of your temperature-sensitive goods for you.

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